Kate Burnet


I really love a good story and the human body has myriad tales to spin. It is the alpha and omega of our very being-ness; it keeps the score and generally has the last laugh.  As a yoga teacher, I’m occasionally thanked by students who are amazed at their progress and I gently remind them it isn’t myself or the yoga that is responsible for their growth, it is in fact them!  The role of the massage therapist is similar in that the therapist is merely a navigator shining light on the path toward helping the client accomplish their goals.  The client is the one who took the brave step forward in the direction of their healing.

I completed the Ivy Tech Therapeutic Massage program in 2017.  I prefer to meet every individual client where they are in their journey to help them realize their potential for wellness.


Aside from bodywork I collaborate as one half of an artistic duo with my husband Dan Woerner.  We met in a theory and practice art seminar class in Portland, OR in 2004. We were randomly assigned to collaborate on a project regarding "Systems" and after one night of discussion our solution was to fly to Las Vegas and get married. The project was to end there, however, performances, video making, travel and a life as collaborators and then companions ensued. We went to India, Thailand, and Vietnam, lived in the back of a truck in Texas, hunkered down in North Carolina and finally set up shop in New York City until 2015 when we moved to Bloomington, IN. Our daughter Minnie was born in November 2019. Dan also teaches yoga. We both like long walks on the beach, watching animals on the internet, horror movies and taxidermy.  We have two chihuahuas, one named Freddy and one named Bo.  All parties currently reside in a 100 year-old house at the end of a dead end road in South Bloomington right next to the Empire Quarry.